Flash info / News flash

Publié le par penn-all-ar-bed.over-blog.org

Pour que toutes les personnes que nous rencontrons sur notre route puissent suivre notre périple, nous nous lançons dans une traduction résumée de chaque article en anglais!


PS : Toujours pas vu d’ours qui boivent de la vodka dans la neige ....



For all the people that we meet during our trip, we are from now on going to translate each article in English! We hope that the articles will still make sense (don’t hesitate to tell us if some clarifications are needed). An English translation of all previous articles is also available.


If you want to be warned when a new article in posted, you can subscribe by giving your email address in the Newsletter section on the right of the page.

PS : We still did not see any bear drinking vodka in the snow ....bear-vodka-2.jpg


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<br /> <br /> Flash info/news/niouz II<br /> <br /> <br /> FR-Tous les commentaires doivent aussi être trilingues.<br /> <br /> <br /> EN-All comments must be in 3 languages.<br /> <br /> <br /> BZH-Commentariou e brezhoneg ivez mar plij.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />